Ways to Contribute
Our VISION is that at all low-income Dominicans obtain the education and skills they need to be gainfully employed.
Our GOAL is to distribute a minimum total of US$30,000 annually in grants and scholarships to motivated, low income individual Dominicans and groups who want education or training to help them improve their lives and their life opportunities. Our ability to do this depends on donations.
PLEASE JOIN US! HELP us to help motivated, low income Dominicans help themselves!
In making your donation, you may wish to consider doing what others have done in contributing to Fondo Q:
- Make donations in memory of or in honor of another person.
- Donate as a group, as has been done by former DR PC Groups.
- Make donations instead of giving presents.
Together we can help many more Dominicans obtain skills and training that will help them and their families obtain a better life.
You have several payment options on how to make a donation.
If you want to donate by check, make your check payable to Fondo Quisqueya and mail it to:
Falls Church, Virginia 22040-6628
If you have a checking account that offer electronic bill paying, you can easily set up an automatic donation on a regular basis of your choosing – monthly, quarterly, per pay period, etc.
- You can donate by using PayPal. [Please note that your donation through PayPal will be reduced slightly in order to cover PayPal's fees,]
You can donate by using your credit card with JustGiving.org. [Please note that your donation through JustGiving.org will be reduced by a small percentage in order to cover JustGiving's "hard" transactions costs such as credit card and banking fees.]
You can make a credit card donation using the Network for Good Giving System (NGGS). [Please note that your donation will be reduced by a small percent to cover NGGS' transactions costs.]