FQ has a single focus: to provide grants and scholarships to low income Dominicans for education and training in the DR.

This education and training assists grantees to obtain new skills and enhanced opportunities for paying jobs and financial betterment, hopefully helping to improve their lives and those of their families.

What Kind of Education and Training Has FQ Supported?
From 1987 through the present, FQ has donated to individuals and groups in the DR for various kinds of training and education, including:
computer skills 
beautician school worm composting
 tractor driving pesticide safety
 accounting beekeeping
 fashion design dance
 ecology music
 electrical vocational school
 motorcycle mechanics
 English as a Second Language electronic appliance repair
 child psychology construction and cement skills
 driver training graphic arts
 chicken raising diesel engine repair
 fruit tree grafting pharmacy training
 sustainable agriculture industrial mechanics
 bamboo uses training executive secretary training
 sewing farm veterinary apprenticeship
 goat raising drafting school

FQ's support may also include transportation and tuition for students in high school and community college, text book purchases, and educational supplies. 

Only a few of FQ's scholarships support traditional four-year university education.

To support this program, FQ:
  • Provides information about FQ grant and scholarship opportunities, and the application and sponsorship process, to:
    • Each new group of DR PCV Trainees;
    • All PCV's at each of their in-country meetings; and
    • DR Peace Corps staff.
FQ channels this information via Peace Corps and other informal networks at work within the Dominican community in the DR and in the U.S.A.
  • Processes/approves/disapproves grant and scholarship applications and disburses funds in a timely manner
  • Compiles information on scholarship outcomes
  • Prepares and distributes a newsletter several times a year for FQ members/donors and potential grant and scholarship sponsors
  • Raises funds via general and special appeals, and keeps a careful accounting of all organizational income and expenses
  • Holds regular Board meetings and special events supportive of FQ’s goals, objectives, and interests
  • Provides and maintains online venues for the organization where information on FQ, news about grantees and scholarship recipients, etc. is continually kept up-to-date

Fondo Quisqueya P.O. Box 6628, Falls Church, VA 22040-6628 Email: